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General News

Taken by Victoria Ortiz

Municipal Elections: Abstentionism Comes Out on Top

Author: José Rubén Arguedas Chinchilla

Elecciones Municipales (General News) (Courtesy of TSE) - Edition 1.jpg

Courtesy of TSE

     The Costa Rican Municipal Elections proved to be full of surprises as cantons around the country voted for their new mayors on February 4th, 2024. However, these elections happen to be a topic of great concern as nationwide abstentionism is at an all-time high with approximately 68% of the population deciding not to vote...

Understanding and Addressing the Contaminated Water Crisis in Costa Rica

Author: Miranda Odio Vargas

Agua Contamimada (General News) (Taken by Rafael Pacheco Granados) - Edition 1.jpg

Taken by Rafael Pacheco Granados

Reports have shown a concerning chemical in Costa Rican waterways. While xylene, a chemical component, was found in water sources like Quebrada Honda 2 in San José, concerns were raised regarding the possible health effects on communities that depend on these water supplies...

Political Participation of Deaf People in Costa Rican Municipal Elections

Author: Renata Sánchez

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Courtesy of

However, how much knowledge does Costa Rican society have about the deaf community and their participation in electoral processes? There was not a single person with a hearing disability in any of the electoral options offered by Costa Rican political parties...

CECOT in El Salvador

Author: Jimena Rodríguez


Courtesy of Secretaría de Prensa

Nayib Bukele is the current president of El Salvador, and this "young" leader "defeated" the country's 2 biggest gangs in a period of just 20 months. How did he do it...?

The Rise of the Electric Car: A Revolution on the Road

Author: Jimena Rodríguez

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Courtesy of iStock

The internal combustion engine has dominated personal transportation for over a century, but a quiet revolution is underway...

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